When our founder and Chief Advocacy Officer Ed Randall was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 1999, he quickly realized that he knew next to nothing about the disease. And subsequent conversations with friends – both men and women – convinced him that most people knew even less than he did. Yet prostate cancer was the second-leading cause of U.S. cancer deaths in men, behind only lung cancer.
Seeking to address this education and awareness gap, Ed organized Fans for the Cure, a charity that seeks to communicate the message about the prevalence of prostate cancer and the connection among early detection, less invasive treatment options, and best outcomes.
Bringing Prostate Cancer Information to Communities
It is no secret that most men need to be pushed and motivated to go to the doctor. And it is even often more of a challenge to get those same men to initiate discussions with doctors about the age at which they should begin getting the PSA blood test for prostate cancer screening.
To respond to this reality, we work actively to put ourselves in front of gatherings that include men of all walks of life in order to share what we know about the vital importance of being aware of and getting tested for prostate cancer.
As an organization, our roots reside in baseball. Our first community events and fundraisers were pick-up games of softball that were held in December in Coney Island. We have since carried our messages nationally through our annual Summer Road Trip and other initiatives that have sought to make inroads within communities.
Understanding that each man’s journey through prostate cancer is a unique and personal story, we both coordinate support groups and seek to co-sponsor these events with trusted colleagues from other organizations. These peer-to-peer gatherings have allowed men to candidly bring up their questions and concerns, while having the opportunity to hear straight talk about the treatment and post-treatment experience.
At Fans for the Cure, we are focused on bringing prostate cancer awareness education to where our message and services are most needed. If this is your community, we would welcome the opportunity to bring a seminar, a support or, with the help of a healthcare partner, a prostate cancer screening to your church, health fair, or other location of your choice.
We Can Support Your Community
At Fans for the Cure, we’re focused on bringing prostate cancer awareness education to where it is most needed. That may be your community. We would love to discuss the opportunity of partnering with you to help ensure the men in your local community know the risks of prostate cancer, and are educated about the testing for and treatment of this disease. Please contact us to arrange a conversation how we can support you.