Catch for the Cure
Catch for the Cure, or The Catch, is our new and ongoing initiative to engage and support the prostate cancer community. The Catch is like a peer-to-peer 5K or 10K run – only without the running. Participants will be asked to recruit a partner, grab a baseball glove and a ball (or just a ball), and simply have a catch. As with the 5K and 10K races, those engaging in The Catch will be asked to solicit financial support of their efforts from friends, family and colleagues, all proceeds of which will help fund the annual programming of Fans for the Cure.
Get Involved with The Catch
Organize a Game of Catch
Men and women of all ages are invited to organize a game a catch with someone special in their lives. It could be a dad playing with a grandchild or a woman playing with her father. Or two old friends renewing an old acquaintance.
You can invite your friends, family, and colleagues to support your efforts on your own campaign page.
Donate Directly to The Catch
You do not need to actually have a catch to support this ongoing campaign.
You can give directly either to the campaign itself, or via the fundraising page of your friends or loved ones.
All donations received in support of this campaign will go to fund our programs in support of the prostate cancer community.
Sponsor The Catch
Sponsorship of The Catch offers an enjoyable but meaningful way to support the prostate cancer community. We have several levels of sponsorship opportunities available and would be delighted to speak directly with individuals or companies wishing to become involved with this ongoing initiative.
To discuss sponsorship opportunities, please contact Joseph Cosgriff at 888-301-4414 or [email protected].
What It’s All About
Playing Catch with Family, Friends and Loved Ones
We see The Catch bringing together fathers, sons, moms, daughters, coaches with former players, and more.
It can be brothers, sisters, neighbors, and one-time high school and college teammates getting together to see if the ol’ arm still works.
Raising Awareness about Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer is a complex disease in diagnosis and in treatment.
While the vast number of cases are successfully treated when detected early, it is important for men and their families to understand the different treatments, and the potential side effects of those options.
Fundraising to Support Our Programs
While our charity successfully pivoted to online programs during the height of Covid safety restrictions, we look forward to the return of in-person health events and screenings with healthcare partners. As we gradually schedule events where people can gather, we need your support in advancing our existing programs and making them available to communities most adversely affected by prostate cancer.

An On-Going Opportunity to Connect with Loved Ones – and Support an Important Cause
Let’s not forget that the best part of a good catch is the lively conversation with the person receiving our throws. Or no conversation at all, while doing all your talking with a fluttering, Phil Niekro knuckleball.
Just as annual runs have grown participation in many not-for-profits, Fans for the Cure is hopeful that The Catch can develop into an annual signature event for our charity. We are officially launching The Catch on Father’s Day. Be sure to follow us on social media and sign-up for email updates to get all the latest news and information about The Catch.
Stay Up to Date with The Catch
As a modestly-sized non-profit that delivers a full schedule of programming to the prostate cancer community, we are deliberately rolling out The Catch in a staged way. This approach enables us to continue to focus primarily on our core work while enabling The Catch to grow in an organic way – one catch at a time. To stay current about The Catch, celebrity catches, teams you can join, and all that is happening with Fans for the Cure, be sure to sign up for updates. Click the big button below to go to our sign-up form.