At age 65, John Reilly underwent a laparoscopic simple prostatectomy to address prostatitis that had swollen his prostate to 180 grams. While he did not suffer from prostate cancer, he turned to Fans for the Cure to help get him through his tough medical journey.
I am a 65-year old man, currently recovering from prostatectomy surgery. For years my PSA level rose slowly as would be expected as I grew older, and urinary problems began to show up. Ten years ago, in response to a larger than “normal” PSA increase, tests were run, and it was determined that I had an infection of the prostate, known as prostatitis, although I had no symptoms.
Unfortunately, that was the last time that would happen. From then on, I suffered recurring bouts of prostatitis, along with all the agonizing problems associated with it. First it was once, then twice a year. Then it became every few months. Starting in November 2017, I reached the point where it would flare up, I would take Levaquin for two weeks, then have two weeks feeling okay, and then it came right back.
In April of this year, I had my worst flare up to date. I spoke to my urologist, telling him that I had reached the point where between the infections and increasing urinary difficulties, something needed to be done. I had a 1.5-hour drive (each way) to and from work, and one stop on the way was a “good day”. However, my prostate had grown to 180 grams, and I was told that due to the size of my prostate, the more popular, less invasive and common procedures would not work for me. I would need more specialized care than he could provide. Most likely prostate-removal surgery would be needed. After responding well to medication for so many years, I was shocked and scared.
Being a Bronx boy, a baseball fan, and a long-time listener of “Talking Baseball”, the first thing I did when I got home was to google Fans for the Cure and call them. I was even more shocked when I called, and actually got [“Talking Baseball” host] Ed Randall on the line! But I was no longer afraid. Ed assured me that everything would be alright and I was not alone in my situation. There are many doctors who work with Fans for the Cure, and Ed put me in contact with the best doctors in the field. After speaking with them, it was determined that a robotic simple prostatectomy was the way to go.
After months with a catheter, a hernia developed just before my originally scheduled surgery date. During this time, I was in periodic contact with Ed and Fans for the Cure. Ed was a constant source of comfort and reassurance that all would be well.
On October 9, I underwent simultaneous laparoscopic simple prostatectomy and inguinal hernia repair surgeries at Hartford Hospital. I am feeling better by the day – and have Ed and Fans for the Cure to thank for helping me through this difficult time. I urge anyone who has any kind of prostate, or male health issues, to reach out to Fans for the Cure and get on the road to feeling better.
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