Eric Hartmann is a prostate cancer survivor whose treatment and recovery from the disease enabled him to attend his granddaughter’s recent wedding.
I want to thank Ed Randall and Fans for the Cure for putting me in touch with the right doctors that got me through my bout with prostate cancer.
It all came about when I attended the Fans for the Cure 2nd Annual All-Star Celebration Dinner in New York City on February 23, 2017. That night Ed introduced me to the world-renowned prostate doctor, Dr. Aaron Katz. I told Dr. Katz that I had a PSA score of 10.2 and did not know what was the best way to attack the problem. Dr. Katz immediately suggested Cyberknife radiation, and he was kind enough to put me in touch with Dr. Jonathan Haas at the NYU Winthrop Hospital in New York City.
After an initial consultation with Dr. Haas, we scheduled the Cyberknife radiation to be done over five days in the last week of July of that year. The radiation was done and over – and was a complete success.
Before the radiation, the doctors found cancer in 9 out of the 12 cores that they examined. Without Fans for the Cure putting me in touch with the right people, I might not be here today. Today, 15 months later, my PSA reading is 0.1, I’m cancer-free, and I attended my granddaughter’s wedding in September 2018.
Fans for the Cure is truly a blessing for all of us survivors who went through the sleepless nights worrying about whether we were going to make it. It was comforting knowing that Ed was always there for me in my time of need.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
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