Your monthly update from Fans for the Cure

MARCH 2023

With spring in the air and our clocks moved ahead, the home team in the Fans for the Cure head office is pleased with our work in the first quarter of the year. We have developed a productive and fruitful flow in our collaboration Molloy University and its Community Mobile Clinic. We are progressing plans for a growing number in-person screenings and educational events with our partners at ColumbiaDoctors and the Columbia Nursing School. And we have been busy with much more as you can see in this newsletter.

With Opening Day of the baseball season only days away, I am delighted to announce that Mascots March is returning for a second year. Mascots March is a fun campaign to get those lovable team mascots involved in raising awareness about prostate cancer – and fundraising in support of our programs. Read on below for how support your favorite mascot.

As I promised last month, our Catch for the Cure is now very much ready for you and your friends to sign-up for a catch. See below for more details on The Catch.

In podcast news, I am excited to the share my podcast mic with our Chairman, Steve Garvey, as part something new we are putting together. Be sure to read below about our upcoming Legends' Podcast Series.

I'll wrap up by extending a personal invitation to join one of our support group meetings on Zoom. Held regularly for both men and women (separately), these online gatherings are proving a pillar of strength, assistance, and camaraderie to our prostate cancer community.

All the best,

Ed Randall
Founder + Chief Advocacy Officer
Fans for the Cure

Sign Up for The Catch
A screenshot The Catch landing page

Whether you play catch or have a catch, you are welcome to sign up for Fans for the Cure’s signature awareness and group participation event – Catch for the Cure. Or, simply, The Catch.  

Choose a catch partner (or partners) who mean a lot to you, sign up on The Catch page, enlist friends and relatives to support what you are doing, and schedule the catch. 

As we often say, it’s a whole lot more fun that having to run 5k or 10k. Grab your ball and glove, and the rest is easy.

We thank for our friends at Rawlings for generously sponsoring The Catch.

Sign up to have a catch
Screenings, Education, and Awareness Events in the Community
Molloy University Community Care mobile van

In collaboration with Molloy University Mobile Screening Unit, we have the following events on the calendar in the coming weeks:  

March 31
Food Pantry at MLK Community Center
Rockville Centre, NY  

April 14
WIC Catholic Charities
Freeport, NY

April 18
CAST North Fork
Southold, NY

April 25
Senior Center
Point Lookout, NY

April 26
Long Beach Soup Kitchen
Long Beach, NY

Looking ahead, we have community events planned in May with ColumbiaDoctors and Columbia Nursing School, as well as a series of awareness days built around Father’s Day scheduled with teams in the Appalachian League.

Mascots March Kicks Off Again
Mascots March 2023 landing page

For the second consecutive year, the end of March has meant not only Opening Day of the MLB season but also the beginning of an awareness fundraiser – Mascots March. It is an initiative where mascots post on social media to bring awareness to the importance of prostate cancer screenings, as well as reaching out to their teams’ fans to support Fans for the Cure educational and screening programs.  

Nearly forty mascots joined the march in 2023, and we thank them for introducing us to so many fans who were new to us and what we do.  

For those of you who would like more information on how to get behind the efforts of your favorite mascot, please contact us at [email protected] or go to the mascots’ page starting on April 10.

Stay in the Game Adds Legends’ Podcast Series with Steve Garvey
Steve Garvey and Ed Randall

Fans for the Cure will add to its top-rated Stay in the Game monthly podcast with a special four-part Legends’ Podcast Series that will be hosted by former MLB great and current Fans for the Cure Chairman, Steve Garvey.

Steve will engage in conversations with both former teammates, as well as rivals and former opposing players, all of whom (like Steve) have experienced a diagnosis of prostate cancer at one point in their lives. Look for Steve to discuss guests' careers, their lives after baseball, and how they have dealt with their specific prostate cancer journeys.  

The first episode is scheduled to air in early June, which is also National Men’s Health. It will feature a wonderful discussion that took place last week between Steve and his former teammate and the 2022 World Series winning manager, Dusty Baker.

Upcoming Support Group Meetings

Both of our online support groups are free and open to all men and women respectively, with registration required.

Men's Support Group

Women's Support Group

Please note that Fans for the Cure allows attendees to register for only the immediately upcoming online support group meeting. Thanks for understanding our desire to keep our meetings safe, secure, and private.

Get That Referral to Leading Trusted Doctors

At Fans for the Cure, we advocate for men to connect with solid, proven doctors who can deliver that sense of "This is the right way forward."

Through our community programs, health events, and local and national outreach, we have established an extensive network of leading urologists, oncologists, and medical professionals with whom we have established relationships and whom we trust with medical referrals. Should you be seeking a medical referral, we are happy to help connect you with doctors in all areas of the country for testing, second opinions, and guidance explaining treatment options.

Request a medical referral

In this section, we share links to blog posts, news articles, medical journals, books, and other items that we think will be of interest to you.

  1. Tracking Prostate Cancer Dynamics – This is a longer and important read about the complexity of treating advanced prostate cancer, as published by our friends and colleagues at
  2. Mortality is similar with active monitoring
  3. Prostate cancer treatments can be avoided or delayed in many cases, study finds
  4. Many Men Can Delay Prostate Cancer Treatment
  5. VIDEO: New less invasive treatment for prostate cancer being tested in Philadelphia – A news piece about NanoKnife, a new treatment method of treating localized prostate cancer being tested at the Fox Chase Cancer Center.
Help Fans for the Cure Spring Ahead

As we collaborate on, help produce, and attend over 125 educational, awareness, and screening events this year, your donation helps make it possible. Please consider giving today.

Gold rating for Transparency from Candid for 2023
FANS for the CURE
PO Box 213, New York, NY 10101-0213

Call us: 888-301-4414

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